Month: April 2013


Your Love

By Megan Low, Australia How boundless is Your love, O Lord! Vast as eternity Unfailing as the oceans tides that wave from sea to sea. Surrounding me for all my years—too far I’ll never fall And though I may not understand, You’ll answer when I call. Its shadow stretches as Your wings prepare for distant [...]

What We Believe | Discovery Series

As important as a foundation is to the strength and stability of a house, so also is the value of sound doctrine in the spiritual life of a believer. In this study, 10 basic doctrines of the Christian faith are examined to help you lay a strong foundation of truth in your heart.

What If It’s True? Examining Four Important Spiritual Questions

To an unbeliever, the claims of Christianity can sometimes sound too good to be true, especially when searching for answers to situations in life. In this booklet, author Bill Crowder examines questions many have concerning the validity of Jesus, the Bible,

Why Would A Good God Allow Suffering?

Everything in life happens for a reason, even though you may not always understand it. In this booklet, author Kurt De Haan helps you discover how to put suffering to work for you. Gain a better understanding of how the pain in your life can help you recognize attacks from the enemy, seek God in faith and hope, be

How To Identify A Dangerous Religious Group

Many groups have masked their identity behind religion, offering a spiritual solution to attract those who are searching for answers in life. Author Mart De Haan shares wisdom from Scripture and insights from the experiences of someone who walked the descending staircase of a dangerous religious

The Temple Mount Controversy

"It's the most contested piece of real estate on earth: a 35-acre, not quite rectangular enclosure on the southeast corner of the city of Jerusalem. It is potentially a detonator of full-scale war." This is the view expressed by Jewish journalist Gershom Gorenberg in his book The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount. Why is this military nonstrategic plot of land so significant that it poses a threat to world peace?

Runtime: 26 minutes

The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Israel. A modern land divided by ancient conflicts. Many know this as the historic homeland of the Jewish people. Yet for almost 2000 years the Jewish people have been scattered to the four corners of the earth. This period of history is part of what the Israeli's refer to as the Diaspora. It was during the time of the Diaspora that the Muslim faith was born in the 7th century. Mart DeHaan and Jimmy De Young share their personal reflections on the Arab-Israeli conflict. How does God's love for the Jewish people cross ethnic boundaries? What is God doing with this sliver of land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean?

Tough To Love

Years ago I was a camp counselor for some rebellious boys. I found it challenging to deal with their behavior. They would mistreat the animals at the petting zoo and occasionally fight among themselves. So I adopted a calm and firm approach to leading them.

Religion Or Christ: What’s The Difference?

Following the rules of religious practices can identify you as a leader among men; however, submitting to Christ will give you favor with God. This study of Jesus’ confrontations with the Pharisees will help you see the significance of a relationship with Christ and the inadequacy of performance-based religion. Und

Do Christians Believe In Three Gods?

Find out what the Bible says about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Join author Herb Vander Lugt as he takes a deeper look at Christians’ belief in a three-in-one

a living picture

On a visit to the Passages Interactive Bible Exhibit, I was reminded of the beauty and scholarship of Scripture. Accustomed to the modern-day, gold-filigree edging, I was impressed with one particular exhibit that showcased fore-edged printing—beautiful pictures, some representing events from Scripture and others with countryside scenes—that graced the outer edges of the Bibles. Interestingly, the pictures become visible when the Bible cover is first opened and the pages softly rest against one another, as if in a state of readiness to be turned.

How an understanding of our debt to God teaches us biblical forgiveness

Extending grace and forgiveness when you’ve been wounded deeply isn’t easy! Discover how to have a compassionate view of those who are indebted to us.

Jesus’ guidelines for restoring relationships with grace

There are situations when forgiveness needs to go beyond a hug and a handshake, moments when confrontation is necessary.

A Voice in the Wilderness

A solitary life . . . compelled by conviction . . . a voice crying in the wilderness . . . an ancient prophet . . . speaking on behalf of God. Who speaks for God today? How can we know whether we are hearing the voice of God or the voice of man?

Why Is Life So Unfair?

Overwhelming stresses in life can sometimes lead you to the point of walking away from your faith, especially when it appears that those who don’t trust God are prospering. In this study, author Bill Crowder shares insights from Psalm 73 to help those whoa are struggling with the unfairness of life. Discover how you can restore your confidence in God when you focus on His goodness rather than your circumstances.

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